One of the major hassles of being self employed is the need to find an affordable health insurance plan that doesn’t break the bank as you’re trying to keep your own business running successfully. With all the articles and news casts about the ever rising costs of health care, the thought of finding an appropriate insurance policy that is also cheap can seem like a daunting task at first glance.
Self Employed
The good news is that if you are self employed then you have an abundance of choices in health insurance options. There is individual health insurance, small group health insurance, discount plans, and then the process of looking at various insurance companies and allowing them to bid away for your business. The most important aspect of finding a good health insurance plan is to be organized and to do your research before you actually start the process of shopping.
Individual Health Insurance
Individual health insurance is often the best way to go because these policies tend to be the cheapest. This has a major asterisk, in that your family will not get coverage. If you are single, this is not an issue. If you have small children or a pregnant wife, then this is a very big deal. If individual health insurance is a viable option, you should strongly pursue these policies as they usually cost only 50% as much as group plans or other options.
Small Group Health
Small group health insurance often takes place when a group of small business owners band together (and some states require only as few as two people) in order to get insurance coverage. If this is much more expensive, then why choose this over individual health insurance? It depends on your history. If you are older, then having a group of younger individuals can bring down the cost. Also, if you have a pre-existing condition then they still can not turn you down.
Danger of The Unscrupulous
These are the two best options for most self-employed individuals, although there are other options, though often with more danger of the unscrupulous side of things getting involved. One thing to note, is that at least of the writing of this article laws have been passed so that your individual health insurance is 100% tax deductible in the United States. That’s right: every penny spent in a policy to keep you covered can be used as a tax write off from Uncle Sam. This can strongly help to off-set what may seem like prohibitive costs from covering yourself via an individual health insurance policy.
Health Insurance Is Important
Health insurance is important, and self-employed health insurance is even more so since you are solely responsible for lost income, as well as your own health. There are companies who specialize in insurance for small businesses, so check around to see what type of a special deal they might be able to offer. There are a wide arrange of options out there, so just do your research and look around and you’ll find the right self employed health insurance for you.
Health and Wellness
Health and happiness are two of the most important things people today should be looking to improve. There needs to be a global shift to better health to enable a future worth fighting for. Increase in obesity, lazy lifestyles, and reliance on drugs and medication has allowed us to forget natural methods.
The American Medical Association has officially recognized obesity as a disease, and one that requires medical treatment and prevention. It is a global issue affecting children and adults, usually caused by poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. In America, nearly 36% of adults are obese and 17% of children.
Risks of Heart Disease
Obesity puts people at higher risks of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. There is a widespread assumption that obesity is the result of laziness and overeating, yet this is not always the case. Causes of obesity vary dramatically and cannot always be easily reversed simply with a change of lifestyle.
Some people need a little help and support to lose the weight and keep it off. Some are just ignorant about the healthy food options available to them, or have no idea where to start. With a little help, knowledge, and encouragement of an experienced health coach, weight loss challenges could be greatly reduced.
Health and Wellness Coaching
Recent studies show that health and wellness coaching can help people lose weight. Of course there are many weight loss programs you can join which have proved to be successful for some, but not all. Most weight loss programs are purely self-driven, but they lay down the foundation for you to get started.
Weight Loss Program
If you find that a weight loss program isn’t working for you, or just have no idea where to start when it comes to losing weight, consider talking to a health and wellness coach. They can motivate you to exercise, help you improve your eating habits, your lifestyle, and your overall happiness.
What do health coaches do exactly? Not only do they provide additional support to your weight loss program and nutritional expertise, they give motivation in between meetings so you keep up with your regime. This is crucial in not only losing the weight, but keeping it off as they monitor your behavioural changes.
Improve Their Lifestyle
If you are interested in helping others improve their lifestyle, consider a career in health coaching. There are many nutrition certificate programs available online to educate you and help you reach that goal. Taking this type of course not only helps you improve your own life, but empowers you to help others.
Emphasis Could Switch
If there is not a health coach in your area to help you, you can still benefit from long distance coaching, via telephone. Hearing words of advice and encouragement are always helpful, whether in person, on the phone, or read on an email. Emphasis Could Switch If the emphasis could switch to more health coaching and preventative care rather than drugs and medication, both lives and money would be saved. Health and wellness coaching is a way forward in a world where excess and convenience are at our fingertips. We just need to learn to take another path.